But, if you want to do something to get rid of your extra weight permanently and are willing to do the work, then BurnTheFat.com is absolutely the site and accompanying e-book for you!
Just like you I was looking for something different. Something special. Something that was REAL to help me understand how my body worked, and how I could use nutrition and exercise to change my life. I found this excellent book written by Tom Venuto and it has been nothing short of extraordinary!
This downloadable book is 17 chapters and 341 pages long. Just check out the first three chapter titles:
Chapter 1: Goal setting: How to set powerful, compelling goals that will propel you forward and charge you up with unstoppable motivation
Chapter 2: Why 95% of all conventional diets fail - And the 8 most powerful strategies to permanently lose fat without diets or deprivation
Chapter 3: Body composition: How to determine your fat to muscle ratio
Chapter 4: Charting your progress: How to use performance feedback to get from where you are to where you want to be
Chapter 5: Metabolic individuality and your body type: Doing your best with what you’ve got.
The great thing about this book is that it is not an informational pamphlet or book. You get step-by-step instructions on how to lose fat permanently without drugs or gimmicks. It EDUCATES you about the process of losing fat so that you can fully understand how to help yourself!
The book is not merely a nutrition manual. It combines teaching you about nutrition as well as exercise. It is this combination that is going to help you shed those unwanted pounds by burning the fat and feeding the muscle!
Here's the thing though- the process of burning fat is simple and you are taught this in simple language. It is not, however, easy. If you are not willing to work then this program is not for you. That is the honest to goodness truth!
But understand this- if you are serious and you are willing to put in some work, follow easy to understand instructions and commit yourself to nutrition and exercise you can burn the fat that is keeping you overweight.
The book is based on real world results. You may or may not know that in addition to having to be fit and muscular, body builders must manage their nutrition to eliminate unwanted fat. You can be the strongest person in the world. However, there is a layer of fat over those steel hard abs, nobody is going to know!
It is a fat loss system, focused on maintaining muscle at all costs. As Tom tells you, "Losing weight is very easy. Losing fat - and keeping it off - without losing muscle is a much bigger challenge." It is this challenge that the BFFM program takes on and successfully conquers to a greater degree than any other program out there.
If fat loss is an obstacle to your physique goals, you won't find a better, faster way to get to where you want to go than the BFFM program.
My Bonuses
In addition to the publisher's e-book and bonuses, we have put together some great bonuses of our own that really compliment Burn the Fat Feed the Muscles.
To get my free exclusive, bonus E-book package, with a value of $147, there are three steps you need to take...
1. Click on the link below
2. Order the Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle
3. Send me your email receipt - just forward it to brian_varga@hotmail.com - and I will send you access instructions to allow you to download the E-books as soon as I have confirmed your order. That's it, simple eh!